Do Not Bother the Bride/ The Things Brides Should Never Be Told

Do Not Bother the Bride/ The Things Brides Should Never Be Told

Do not bother the bride with the words you’re not sure of! There are a lot of things brides should never be told- especially on their wedding day.
It’s quite normal that brides treat their wedding reception like a premiere, as all the labor and efforts put become apparent only on that day. Wedding day is the time when a hearty word may encourage while an improper remark is able even to destroy the whole festive mood. So, here are the spheres of “do not bother the bride” or the things brides should never be told.

1. Do not bother the bride’s appearance.
Secret or not but the appearance is the most significant factor to any bride.
Let’s not forget that first of all bride is the woman who had has been waiting for her wedding ceremony to find herself the first lady or a magazine model at least. So, the saddest thing to her would be learning some of her relatives or friends wearing a dress in any way similar to the one of hers.
Furthermore, don’t let her know of what you consider she should have done to look better. In fact, the thing is that no matter how we do look, since in reality we look the way we think we do. Hence judging a bride on her wedding day is not a noble deed.

2. Do not bother her groom.
Another thing that should never be told to any bride is that you don’t like her chosen one. If you’re an honest friend or a carrying relative who’s certain of brides being worth of a better husband, try to be silent.
All these sort of discussions and pieces of advice could have had their places before the wedding day while there’s no room for attitudes on the exact day of getting married. You might wish the best to the lovely bride but your notes about her darling would probably work only against you.

3. Do not bother her with urgent problems.
It’s a common feature of almost every woman to control every single detail. That’s why brides spend so much time on planning and arranging all the means necessary for the wedding ceremony.
You can be sure that if the wedding is not spontaneous than the sequence of events is set by the bride. So, it doesn’t matter who you are ( e.g. the groom, the maid of honor or a guest by any chance) and what’s happened (e.g. catering service didn’t deliver as much food as you had ordered, your rings turned to be lost etc.) try to keep the bride away from unpleasant news.
Since women are perfectionists, any little fail can worry them and ruin the party.

So, being gentle to brides is guaranteeing positive atmosphere of the party while a naive word pronounced at a wrong time can transform your romantic comedy into a horror movie.